Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It's been a sobering reminder to remember God's faithfulness in all things. His providence and sovereignty seem to elude me at times, but I've been challenged to think otherwise. It's easy to forget how His grace and mercy work to revive the soul and retrieve the wayward heart.

Regardless of what I think or do, His glory will shine. May I be conduit where in which Christ will shine through me! Praise God!

Though I'm not a huge fan of the seemingly long intro or the "Oooo's," I can't get enough of Phil Wickham's "The First Noel!" I love the xylophones (or maybe it's the synth) and the rhythm of the snare. Those two components really bring the song together. Actually, I like our praise team's version of this song much more than the original. Score: +1 for Calvary EM's Music Ministry!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a sleight of hand.. . for slow eyes

i want to be liberated from all indiscretion as i speak.

most ppl tend to delight in drivel as they garrulously type away on their blogs. it's solely entertainment withholding any sense of inner thought. yet, i will be the first to confess that i will be the culprit of this widespread crime. just not as of now. well, a lil white lie won't hurt. heh.

2:45am presents a lot challenges comparative to its fraternal twin: 2:45pm. hahaha so as the television muffles my voice from any actual thoughts, i am impaired from a clear path of mind. caution: bear with me =]

a magician presents four cards on a small but attractive table and presents to you an opportunity to outwit him and overcome a task that most have unsuccessfully completed. Intrigued, disillusioned, and bold, you stand before this mild mannered man and accept his seemingly meager challenge. Cards become nothing more than a shadow of their own reflections as they "magically" intertwine with each other, ceasing to be four and synchronizing into one. Foolishness is the first thought you harbor as you realize his words have lured you like a mouse into a trap. Yet, hope has not escaped you. You're a ruthless bounty hunter. Shaking from what you just endured, you don't know what to expect. A hand hovers over all the cards as he invites you to choose the right one. A laudable victory if you were to choose correctly. So you wait. Move too quickly and you are sure to lose. You think. Actions without careful discretion would be foolish. You play your odds. Statistically, one of the four has to be your golden reef. You concentrate but you don't know. Courageously, you take a stab at it because you know it won't be able to stab back. You shift your hand over the desired card, anticipating a mental cheer to resound. You've made your choice. Heh.. what did you expect to happen? Could it have happened any other way? How do you think you did?? of course, you chose correctly. He smiles at you, as it is accompanied with a grin of complete satisfaction. You've beaten the foreseeable system but undoubtedly he's beaten you. As you were intently immersed in this game, you never realized that someone had stolen money from your back pocket. The money you were preserving for something that would be so worth while. it was planned. premeditated. you were the one to fall into the slaughter.
this was an elusive proposition from the start.

keep your eyes open


my avenue

this is going to be my outlet.

i only share it with you cuz i know that the people who genuinely care will read these entries without judgment. Some may come and pass without a care, but I don't mind these fellas. so thanks for reading and i hope u enjoy. I'd love ur input on things so always feel free to share.